Dr. Silvia Toniato (Ph.D.) is a former university teacher and researcher. She obtained her Ph.D. in philology and authored several international scientific publications (see her CV). Up until 2011 her main focus was the study and edition of ancient texts and manuscripts, with a special attention to the ones with a scientific mathematical content made between the 7th and the 11th century. She specialized in the decoding of ancient scientific languages and their translation into modern formal terms. Her research resulted in new discoveries concerning the language, practice and knowledge of mathematics in the Middle Ages.

Since 2012 her research focuses on the impact that the Extracellular Matrix activity and stimulation has on cognitive abilities and health.

She is a certified Bowen therapist: she learned the Bowen technique from 2012 to 2013 (all sets of procedures, including the two advanced procedure sets and the Rentsch’s variants) in a series of weekly individual classes held by Delbert Leroy Skeete - a therapist from the Bowen Therapy Academy of Australia (BTTA) who learned Bowen from Oswald Rentsch, one of the six Tom Bowen’s direct students.From 2013 she has furthered the research on the action of Bowen and created H3AL®, a set of protocols that extend and stabilize the Bowen effects and make them last for an unlimited time period. She perfected the H3AL protocols in 2017.

The H3AL application requires a wide set of very specific technical skills. Currently the only qualified H3AL practitioners are Dr. Silvia Toniato and Dott. Ettore Giugiaro (MD, qualified to teach and practice the H3AL therapeutic protocols).

Dr. Silvia Toniato is not a Medical Doctor, therefore:Bowen and H3AL are not intended to be used as diagnostic or therapeutic tools, have no contraindications, are not invasive and do not interfere with medical treatment or therapies;Dr. Toniato does not provide medical assistance, diagnosis or prescription: for this type of assistance it is always necessary to consult a Medical Doctor;Dr. Toniato declines all responsibilities in respect to the use of Bowen and H3AL other than that indicated.